
Snell House is named after Sir Peter George Snell, a former New Zealand athlete who broke numerous world records and received three Olympic and two Commonwealth gold medals.

Snell house hero

House Leader: Mr Stephen Askin

Deputy House Leader: Ms Sian Durbin

House Captains:

House charity: Halberg Disability Sport Foundation

Construction of Snell

Construction of the house began mid-way through 2000 on the site of the old tennis courts. The house consists of five multi-purpose classrooms, one laboratory, one computer suite, a faculty office, storeroom, staff workroom, house leader's office and the 'commons' space.

The house opened for business in January 2001, with two classes each at years 9-12 and one year 13 class. A 'Snell Executive', consisting of six year 13 students was formed to forge the initial student leadership roles, alongside house leader, Mr Johnson Davis.

Foundation Staff Members 2001

Mr J. Davis (House Leader) Mr D. Norris (Deputy House Leader) Mr G. Beaumont Ms. P Clouth Mr T. Dorain Dr K. Holborow Ms F. MacCuish Dr I. Poljakovic Ms C. Robinson Ms M. Rowbotham Miss J. Smith

Snell Executive 2001

Derek Arnold Nicki Feasey Michael Hand Talia Neal Abby Waterman Grant Wright

Snell House Opening Ceremony

Over the years that he has represented New Zealand, Peter Snell has shown many characteristics that we can be proud of. Snell House hopes to carry these with them into the future. Paint­ing a picture of power and strength he intimidated his opponents. The nation stopped whenever he ran and of course no-one could mistake the hunger and determination shown by Snell 250 metres from the line. We hope the characteristics such as determination, humility and integrity will be seen in the students of Snell House.

After the traditional naming of the House, another traditional matter was at hand. A house colour. Something to represent Peter Snell, our House and its intentions. We needed a colour with impact, powerful and intimidat­ing. Black was our obvious answer. It represents our national identity and is associated with sporting heroes and icons. Along with this powerful colour we had to choose a mascot that would hold the superior qualities that the colour black does. One look at the Black Panther and it is obvious that these big cats are a study of con­trol, strength and will. Everything about the Black Panther has been geared for a heightened awareness of surroundings and nature has equipped this big cat well in the art of survival skills. This is a quality that Snell in­tends to instil in pupils that pass through our doors.

Although the physical building of Snell House had been completed for almost a term the official opening cer­emony was widely anticipated by the students and staff of Macleans College. When the opening day arrived it was as if the house was about to be christened, with important guests ar­riving such as Macleans Colleges' re­cently retired principal Mr McDonald, and importantly members of our community Mr Jim Donald, Mr Maurice Williamson and the highly respected Peter Snell.

The event began with a Māori greet­ing/challenge performed by a junior member of the house to welcome Pe­ter Snell into the whānau. Mr Davis then welcomed us in Māori and Eng­lish followed by the Snell Houses' Powhiri group.

His speech not only officially opened Snell House but also enlightened the listeners with the wisdom and knowl­edge that held learnt and is continu­ing to learn over a lifetime. Mr Snell was then invited to draw back the pre­vailing curtains to reveal enlarged portraits of himself at moments of tri­umph.

He is an outstanding athlete and scholar and Snell House is extremely proud to be named after this amazing New Zealander.

Snell House Colour

Our house colour is BLACK. Black is for the colour of Peter Snell's singlet when running for New Zealand. Black is for strength and power, giving us the ability to dominate over the other houses, especially at events like picnic day, athletics and cross country.

Snell House Mascot

The Black Panther

The black panther is known for its speed and agility. Its formidable predatory instincts incite fear and nervousness into any potential opposition. Its strength, courage and intellect are further qualities that enhance its presence in the jungle.

As members of Snell House, we aim to emulate such characteristics – on the sports field, in cultural arenas and with all academic endeavours.