Apprenticeships and Trade Careers

There are huge opportunities for students who want to get into trades and hands-on training combined with employment. Check out the websites below for further information.

  • New Zealand Apprenticeships – find the benefits of an apprenticeship, along with possible qualifications and information on providers
  • Vocational Pathways – Plan a course leading to careers in: Primary Industries, Service Industries, Creative Industries, Social & Community Services, Manufacturing & Technology or Construction & Infrastructure.
  • Youth Guarantee - Youth Guarantee initiatives are about improving the transition from school to further study, work or training. They provide a wider range of learning opportunities, make better use of the education network, and clarify pathways from school.
  • Got a Trade – Find information on trades and qualifications.
  • Just the Job – View over 300 short videos on a range of vocational pathways.

Industry Training Organisations (ITO)

Industry training in New Zealand is run by a range of registered providers. They arrange training for trainees and apprentices. They organise the delivery, assessment and/or monitoring of training.

The full range of ITOs and the description of their courses can be found on this website but in brief they are:

  • ATT
    Plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying, electrical
    Building and construction
  • Careerforce
    Health and well-being
  • Competenz
    Engineering, manufacturing, transport, forestry, printing, sign-making, food and beverage, textiles, clothing and laundry
  • Connexis
    Civil infrastructure, electricity supply, telecommunications, water
  • ETCO
    Electrical apprenticeships
  • HITO
    Hairdressing, barbering and beauty
  • MITO
    Automotive, transport, logistics, industrial textile fabrication and extractive industries
  • NZ Mac ITO
    Marine and boat related industries
  • Primary ITO
    Primary industries – farming, horticulture, fishing
  • Service IQ
    Hospitality, travel & tourism, retail
  • Skills Active Aotearoa
    Sport & recreation, performing arts
  • The Skills Organisation
    Plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying, roofing, electrotechnology, real estate, financial services, local government, public sector (with some exclusions), security, contact centre, offender management, cranes and scaffolding, ambulance, emergency management, and fire services.


Gateway is a school-based, government-funded programme that places senior students in the workplace for 40 hours (one day a week for 4-6 weeks).

While working, the students study unit standards relevant to their area of work on the NZQA framework. These standards contribute to their overall qualifications.

The Gateway co-ordinator liaises with employers within the local community to find suitable workplaces that match the students’ interests. The co-ordinator also monitors the students and organises the unit standards and assessments. Where applicable, students will also complete a Work Skills course and a First Aid course.

Please visit the Careers Department, Mrs Bushé to discuss the possibilities.