School Expectations


Under the Education Act, attendance at school is compulsory, unless the student is unable to attend because of sickness, danger of infection, sudden and serious illness of a parent, or severe stress of weather.

The Principal, however, may exempt a student for a period not exceeding five days if he is satisfied that there is sufficient reason for the absence. It is, therefore, outside the Principal's power to approve absence for shopping, holidays in school time, looking after younger members of the family, or sports and cultural fixtures arranged by clubs or outside organisations unless for regional or national representation (see more on this in Code of Conduct).

Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the lunch hour.

Students are required to be punctual and are to be at school by 8.20 am.

Students are under the school's authority from the time they leave home until they return home, or at any function held under the control of the college.