Letter to Year 9 and 10 parents

Posted on November 11, 2021

Kia ora parents and caregivers.

Thank you for supporting the learning of your sons and daughters through this long period of learning from home. I know that it has not been an easy time for you.

Yesterday the Minister of Education announced that Year 9 and 10 students may return to school from Wednesday 17 November.

Return to School Plan

Limiting the number of students on campus is one of the safety measures schools are using. For this reason we will need to manage the return of Year 9 and 10 students around the examination leave of our senior students.

We will welcome Year 9 and 10 students back as per the timetable below:

Year Level Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th From Monday 22nd
Year 9 On campus Home learning On campus On campus
Year 10 On campus On campus Home learning On campus

On Wednesday, students are to come to their House area at form time, wearing a mask and remaining out of touching distance from other students. The day will begin with a briefing from the House Leader about health and safety and where to seek support.

I have listed below the health and safety measures we will have in place to make it safer for students to return.

Safety measures

Hygiene practices

  • Any student or staff must stay at home if they are sick, and we will send anyone home immediately if they show any flu-like symptoms
  • Students will have hand sanitiser available in all classes
  • Masks must be worn on campus and on buses to and from school
  • Children at higher risk of severe illness are to remain at home.

Physical distancing guidelines for schools

  • Students must not touch each other or be close enough to breathe on one another
  • A 1m distance is recommended
  • Schools are exempt from bubble and mass gathering rules.

Sharing equipment

  • Students cannot share personal stationery
  • School equipment used by students will be sanitised regularly.


  • The tuck shop is closed
  • Drinking fountains are closed so students must bring a drink bottle. It may be refilled from the tap in the Commons.


  • Only visitors and contractors with an appointment are allowed on site.

Student support

The counsellors in the Guidance Department are available to support students. Students can make a booking in the SAS or via the school website. House Leaders are also available for more general advice related to all aspects of school life.

Extracurricular Activities

All extra-curricular activities remain on hold.

We are looking forward to having our junior students back on campus. We know being on campus has many benefits for students including face-to-face learning, the sense of community, routine, purpose and the emotional support from being with friends and peers. The experience of returning to campus has been very positive for senior students.

We look forward to seeing all of our Year 9 and 10 students on Wednesday.

Kind regards

Steven Hargreaves