Tournament Week 2024: Rock Climbing

Posted on September 16, 2024

During Tournament Week, 12 Macleans College students travelled to Tauranga to participate in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rock Climbing Championships.

This was the first time that the school sent an official team, although in previous years a number of students have taken themselves to the competition and competed as Macleans College representatives.

The competition consisted of two separate events; speed climbing, as well as a combined competition of top rope and bouldering.

Speed climbing involves participants scaling an outdoor, Olympic sized wall as fast as possible. This was a new experience for many of the Macleans College climbers. Year 11 student Klaas Kamp (Kupe House) qualified for the speed climbing finals, but did not progress beyond the top 16, in what is a knock out competition.

The top rope and bouldering competition saw mixed results, with many of the walls and boulder problems proving challenging. Klaas Kamp finished 13th in the senior boys’ competition and Jasmine Hu (Mansfield) finished 14th in the senior girls’ competition. However all Macleans College climbers carried themselves very well and gave their best throughout.

As well as the nationals, Macleans College climbers have participated in four Auckland based competitions throughout the year, always with a number of students progressing to finals and some making the podium.

The college currently has a large competition team training weekly, as well as a number of students climbing socially throughout the year and hoping to work their way into the competition team. Students approach climbing challenges collaboratively and despite competing against each other, a real spirit of encouragement and support is present amongst the students. This is also typical of the climbing community, in general.

The Macleans College team was awarded the sportsmanship award at a recent Auckland competition, in acknowledgement of its supportive team approach. In addition, coach Mr Ko was also awarded Volunteer of the Year for his contribution in growing the sport and for his willingness to lend a hand when required.