Rotorua Rogaine

Posted on August 24, 2016

Eight members of the Macleans College orienteering team, accompanied by teacher Nathan Hey, took part in a three-hour Rogaine adventure race in the Redwood forest in Rotorua.

Despite the driving rain and cold temperatures the three teams, (Are we there yet?, Sore Feet and Lost and Confused - the teams made of Esme Du Plessis (Hillary House), Gemma Black (Upham), Hannah Tong Ho (Mansfield), Kathryn Zhou (Upham), Ciaran Stuart (Kupe) and Oli Roberts Swain (Hillary)) gave it their-all in a division that pitched them against under 20s.

For two teams it was their first time operating in heavy forest and three solid hours of running on slippery mud and through dense vegetation.

Notable performances by Esme and Gemma saw them take out sixth place, with Hannah and Kathryn taking seventh. Given their relative inexperience these results show good development especially as Esme is a newcomer to the sport and Kathryn and Hannah are only in Year 10.

Nathan Hey (manager) and Richard Morley John also competed taking out second in the open men’s category.