Top ten placings at North Island Secondary Schools Dressage Championship

Posted on May 21, 2024

On Sunday 5 May, three Macleans College equestrian team members made the trip to St Peter's school in Cambridge to compete in the North Island Secondary Schools Dressage Championship.

Year 10 students India Crowhurst (Te Kanawa House) and Olivia Owen (Snell), and Year 12 student Liv Shemmings (Batten) were one of more than 24 teams that were entered in the competition.

It was a stunning day for competition and all three girls did themselves and the team proud, finishing seventh overall.

Congratulations to India who secured second place finishes in both of her Level 1 tests scoring over 70% which is considered 'very good' and highly commendable in the dressage world. There was some stiff competition this year for the equestrians with classes containing up to 30 rider combinations but in the face of the challenge Macleans College students did exceptionally well and can be proud of their achievements.