Medal won at international aerobics championship

Posted on August 27, 2019

Abbey Bolton (Kupe House) was a member of the New Zealand team that won a medal at the Association of National Aerobics Championships (ANAC) held last month in Phoenix, Arizona in the USA.

A member of the Macleans College aerobics team, Abbey took part in the local ANAC trials in March and obtained the required qualifying score as well as completing compulsory elements. This result meant she was selected to represent New Zealand at ANAC. She competed as an individual as well as being part of a trio and a team of five.

The New Zealand team of five finished second behind China and ahead of Canada. The trio reached the finals stage and were placed eighth overall. None of the New Zealand individual athletes in her 12-14 year age group made the final where there were 65 competitors.

Abbey’s next competition will be at the end of August when she will be representing Macleans College in the New Zealand Secondary Schools competition.