Macleans College students represent NZ at International Economics Olympiad

Posted on September 18, 2020

Macleans College students Abhinav Chawla (Year 12 Snell House), Darsh Chaudhari (Year 13 Batten House), and Sanjit Ramesh Chandran (Year 13 Hillary House) recently represented New Zealand at the third International Economics Olympiad, which was held virtually this year due to COVID-19. The original host country was meant to be Kazakhstan.

The New Zealand team competed in three different sections. The first section was a financial simulation game, in which individuals were given real-life scenarios and investment tools in order to plan, invest, and achieve the set targets. The team also competed a four-hour economics exam. The final section of the Olympiad consisted of a team business case study.

At the medal ceremony, Abhinav was awarded a Gold medal, while Darsh and Sanjit were awarded Silver medals. Overall, the New Zealand team came away with one gold medal, two silver medals, and one bronze medal. This is a tremendous achievement for the team, leading to a 5th place ranking out of the over thirty countries competing in the competition. Abhinav also achieved a ‘Best in Economics’ award for his outstanding performance in the economics exam.

Many thanks to Mrs Ladkoo, for her continued guidance and support, as well as Mr Samuel, who accompanied the team as a team leader.