Macleans College Aerobics and Gymnastics Competition 2023
Posted on August 23, 2023
The Macleans College Aerobics and Gymnastics competition was held on Sunday 13 August in the school gymnasium.
Due to the Aerobics Regional competition not going ahead this year, the decision was made to run an in-house Macleans College competition so the athletes could showcase their talent and have the opportunity to compete.
More than 40 gymnasts took up the opportunity to compete across the different codes. Both the aerobics and gymnastics athletes demonstrated high level skills and outstanding performances.
Congratulations to all the athletes and coaches who contributed to a very successful event.
Aerobics coaches:
Abbey Bolton (captain) (Kupe House), Bianca Lim (vice-captain) (Snell), Lucy Packer (Snell), Katie Rogers (Kupe), Abby Snooks (Snell) and Cerys O’Loughlin (Upham).
Gymnastics coaches:
Kieran John-Francke (captain) (Kupe), Lucy Packer (captain), Elaine Zhai (Snell), Millie Thompson (Batten), Abby Snooks and Olivia Lin (Batten).
Competitors gaining first place
- Simran Daga (Level 3) (Hillary)
- Sara Rekdal (Level 4) (Hillary)
- Lene Rekdal (Level 5) (Te Kanawa)
- Lene Rekdal
WAG Division 1:
- Dayanara Chavez (Upham)
WAG Division 2:
- Krista Turrall (Te Kanawa)
- Paige Rothery (Batten)
MAG Division 1:
- Aidan Reid (Batten)
MAG Division 2:
- Owen Liu (Snell)
Trampolining Division 1:
- Isabella Lyons (Hillary)
Trampolining Division 2:
- Mackenzie Clayton (Upham)
Tumbling Division 1:
- Jeslyn Jiang (Upham)
Tumbling Division 2:
- Dayanara Chavez
Tumbling Mens:
- Zac Wilson (Upham)