Junior Production: Animal Farm

Posted on October 21, 2019

Macleans College presents

Animal Farm

By George Orwell and adapted for the stage by Nelson Bond.

  • Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November
  • 7.00 pm
  • Uxbridge Arts Centre
    35 Uxbridge Road, Howick
  • Students $5, adults $10

Tickets available at www.trybooking.co.nz/ctx

Set on a farm run by the cruel Farmer Jones. The animals rise up and in an act of rebellion, exile the human Jones from the farm. They begin to run the farm according to their own principles of ‘Animalism’.  Things begin to unravel as struggles for power and the rise of a dictatorship evolves. The pigs Comrade Napoleon and his propaganda agent Squealer govern as a corrupt regime and the animals on the farm begin to realise that that while all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others.