Fun and learning for International Students over the summer break

Posted on February 09, 2021

COVID-19 meant that over 200 Macleans College international students did not return to their home country for the summer holidays. They stayed in New Zealand throughout the summer break. Many missed their families and friends whom they spent time with every year.

The students’ mental well-being was well cared for by the caring homestay caregivers; access to counselling service 4 hours a week and an office hour activity phone line manned by the International staff.

An array of activities were organised for the students, targeting activities not normally accessible for them and ones that are better enjoyed as a group.  They included horse riding, visiting the gannet colony in Muriwai Beach, Auckland Harbour bridge climb, multi-sports and sausage sizzle, rock climbing, mini golf and golfing for the novice.

The Chinese Consulate also came to address the Chinese students.

For the more conscientious students, IELTS and general English classes were arranged and held at the newly built Bentley Pavilion.

A large number of students and staff enjoyed the New Year gathering to welcome in 2021 and feasted on delicious food catered by food trucks.