Former student wins prestigious Zonta International Young Women’s Award

Posted on July 09, 2018

Sara Khatau (Hillary House 2013 – 2017) has been named as the recipient of a Zonta International and a Zonta International New Zealand District 16 (Zonta) Young Women in Public Affairs Award.

She was nominated by the Zonta Club of East Auckland. In 2016 she was awarded the Zonta Year 12 leadership award whilst attending Macleans College. 

Sara is currently studying Law and Arts at the University of Auckland. Her many service activities which contributed to winning these awards included being a Year 13 Prefect and Whanau Service Captain. She was also the leader of a number of service clubs including Amnesty International, UNICEF and the NZ Model UN Forum. Sara also was an Executive member of the Intercultural Club and Editor and Chief of the News Committee. She established a new group called LEAD (Liberate, Educate, Empower Adolescent Development) to increase youth engagement in societal issues. 

Her community involvement outside the school included local politics. She was part of Simeon Brown’s electoral campaign in 2017 and as a youth representative in community electorates. She helped fundraise for children in Vietnam and has been a volunteer at the Salvation Army.

Zonta East Auckland are proud that Sara has been recognised with such prestigious awards. The awards will be presented to Sara at their annual awards in October.