Comfort zones tested during mountain biking

Posted on July 09, 2021

The Year 13 Macleans College Outdoor Education class were fortunate enough to experience some mountain biking recently over three action packed days at Totara Park and Woodhill Forest.

These experiences are building towards the students completing their unit standard based around planning, participating and evaluating an outdoor experience.

Prior to going on the trips, the class had practiced on the mountain biking track surrounding the school. To familiarise themselves with the basics of gears, braking and using your body to help control the bike.

Both venues provided different types of riding conditions for the class to experience. The first venue of Totara Park proved extra challenging due to the wet weather conditions and there were several individuals including teachers coming off their bikes. However, the favourite amongst the class were the trips to Woodhill Forest, which featured several challenging and at times fast downhill tracks. With the weather conditions in the class’s favour, they were able to experience multiple downhills and some big jumps.

The students found the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable, pushing them outside their comfort zones and conquering some fears. Thanks to the array of teachers that accompanied and rode alongside the students Miss Rinckes, Mr Watson, Mr Venter and Mr Cole.