Annual Upham House ANZAC Service

Posted on May 11, 2017

The annual formal Upham House ANZAC Service was held on Wednesday, 12 April.

It was with great sadness that the House was informed of Ms Upham’s death. A minute’s silence was observed after which Mrs Rivalland gave a short eulogy. Ms Upham never missed an ANZAC assembly and always gave a short reflection of her father on these occasions. She will be remembered.

Mr Nathan Hey, Deputy House Leader, welcomed guests and this was followed by an address by Mr Barry Dreyer, who reminded us of the ravages of war. Elena Pihera, Service Captain, thanked him on behalf of the student body.

The President of the Howick Returned Services Association, Mr Mike Cole, read the Roll of Fallen Servicemen and Servicewomen from the district while the Year 13 students placed poppies in trays in remembrance of their death during conflicts abroad.

Flanders Field was read by Zoe Jansson-Bush while the Ode to the Fallen Soldier was read by Gemma Black and Brandan Laurenzi.