A Level Economics class tour Glenbrook steel mill

Posted on July 06, 2023

The A Level Economics class recently visited the New Zealand Steel mill in Glenbrook.

Thanks to the knowledgeable and friendly tour guides from New Zealand Steel, the students were able to witness the inner workings of the only steel works that makes steel out of iron sand.

The day started with a presentation which included the history of the plant and an examination of the economic reasons for its location. Factors include access to the Waikato River for its water supply and the proximity to the west coast iron sands, which are transported to the site in a slurry via a pipeline, constructed by the company.

Once the safety procedures had been thoroughly covered, everyone was issued safety gear including individual radio communication devices, which allowed everyone to hear the guides clearly when they entered the separate plants which were large, cold, imposing and noisy environments.

The most dramatic part was viewing the cutting through of the iron slabs and following them along the production line as they were transformed into rolls of steel only 2mm thick.

Owned by BlueScope, much emphasis is placed on innovation, quality control, health and safety and sustainability. Sustainability is illustrated with the recycling of 99% of its used water and its ability to self-generate 60% of their daily power needs. Sand not used is returned with the land rehabilitated with planting. Even the slag is re-purposed for landscaping and road surfacing.