2022 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 99 Scholarships which included seven Outstanding Scholarships in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Allan Han
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Scholarship: Biology, Earth & Space Science, Agriculture & Horticulture, Statistics, Calculus and Health & Physical Education
William Gao
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics and Earth & Space Science
Scholarship: Chemistry, Statistics, and Calculus
Tian Benson Jin
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Jingyi Annie Li
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Ibrahim Waheed
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Jaeung James Yun
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Regina Yun
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
James Hui
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Kevin Lin
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Wei Tian Teo
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Yunwen Sophia Xu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Ruiying Lisa Ye
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
2021 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 129 Scholarships which included 14 Outstanding Scholarships, one Premier Scholarship Award, five Outstanding Scholar Awards and one First in Subject in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Oliver Dai
Premier Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus, Chemistry and Physics
Scholarship: Geography, History, Religious Studies and Statistics
Judy Fong
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Scholarship: Classical Studies, History and Media Studies
Rick Han
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus
Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics and Statistics
Annika Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: Geography
Scholarship: English, Health and Physical Education, History and Statistics
Jessica-Hope Wei
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Scholarship: Biology, English, Media Studies, Physics and Statistics
Maggie Xian
Outstanding Scholarship (Top in Subject) for Design
Marcus Ambler
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Abhinav Chawla
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
William Gao
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Hannah Giles
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Even Guo
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Elijah Hayward
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
James Hui
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Crystal Li
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Alvis Ou
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Tony Su
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Wei Tian Teo
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Ray Wang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Ellen Wang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Roger Yang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
2020 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students have gained 120 Scholarships which include 16 Outstanding Scholarships, one Premier Scholarship Award, three Outstanding Scholar Award and one First in Subject in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Angela Yang
Premier Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Chinese, Physics and Statistics
Scholarship: Calculus and Spanish
Rick Han
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus, Physics and Statistics
Scholarship: Chemistry and Geography
Daniel Ahn
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Scholarship: Biology, Calculus, History, Physics and Statistics
Judy Fong
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: English (Top in subject) and History
Scholarship: Classical Studies
James Gong
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Physics
Scholarship: Calculus
Kotaro Ishii
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Japanese
Louis Lee
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Physics
Scholarship: Calculus
Marcus Ambler
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Darsh Chaudhari
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Kelvin Gu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Godakandage Lelwala
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Wayne Lu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Angela Yee
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Janet Yu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Yunge Yu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Jasmine Zhang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
2019 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students have gained 127 Scholarships which include 16 Outstanding Scholarships, one Premier Scholarship Award, five Outstanding Scholar Award and one First in Subject in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
William Han
Premier Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus, Physics, Statistics
Scholarship: Chemistry, Economics, English, Health and Physical Education, History
Godakandage Lelwala
Outstanding Scholar
Scholarship: Biology, English, Geography, Health and Physical Education, Media Studies, Statistics
Isabel Li
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: English, Art History
Scholarship: Calculus, Health and Physical Education, Painting, Statistics
Rayman Tang
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Scholarship: Biology, Calculus, English, Health and Physical Education, Physics, Statistics
Zi Lin Wang
Outstanding Scholar
Scholarship: Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English, Physics, Statistics
Angela Yang
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Chinese
Scholarship: Calculus
Grace Baylis
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Health and Physical Education, Statistics
Nelson Lee
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Drama (First in Subject)
Scholarship: English
Alexandra Smith
Outstanding Scholarship: Photography
Daniel Ahn
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Darsh Chaudhari
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Jessica Gu
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Kevin Guan
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Richard Jiang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Hayley Xie
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Nicholas Yao
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
2018 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 141 Scholarships which include 17 Outstanding Scholarships, one Premier Scholarship Award and one Outstanding Scholar Award in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Yang Fan Yun
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Statistics, Economics
Scholarship: English, Agriculture and Horticulture, Calculus, Geography, Health and Physical Education
William Han
Outstanding Scholar
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Calculus
Scholarship: English, Physics, Statistics, Geography
Jessica Gu
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: English
Aarni Kupari
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Calculus
Yiwei Qi
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Chemistry
Jonathan Eeway Shaw
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: English
John Sibanda
Outstanding Subject Scholarship: Health and Physical Education
Benson Junbang Liang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects, including an Outstanding Scholarship)
Owen Wang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects, including an Outstanding Scholarship)
Zi Lin Wang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects, including an Outstanding Scholarship)
Elizabeth Li Ying Koh
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Justin Hong Jie Tan
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Rayman Tang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Nicholas Xinyu Ye
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Judd Zhan
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
Alan Zhizhou Zhang
Scholarship Award (with Scholarship in 3 or more subjects)
2017 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 167 Scholarships which include 23 Outstanding Scholarships, two Premier Scholarship Awards and two Top in Subject Awards in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Janice Ho
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics, Calculus
Scholarship: Earth and Space Science, Statistics, Geography
Ben Zhang
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry (First in Subject), Physics, Calculus
Scholarship: English, Biology, Statistics, Media Studies, Geography, History, Physical Education
Joyce Sum Yuet Chan
Outstanding Scholarship: English, Biology
Scholarship: Statistics
Allen Hui
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Calculus
Scholarship: English, Statistics
Yang Fan Yun
Outstanding Scholarship: Economics
Scholarship: English, Statistics, Calculus, Geography, Physical Education
Zhizhou Alan Zhang
Outstanding Scholarship: Classical Studies
Scholarship: English, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, History
William Han
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Calculus
Jessica Kwong
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: First in subject - Japanese
Gordon Liu
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: English
Tianyu Pan
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Statistics
Jonathan Eeway Shaw
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: English
Richard Tang
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Statistics
Ansel Jun Ming Wong
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Economics
Andrew Power
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
Yitong Tommy Shi
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
Elinor Wang
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
2016 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 150 Scholarships which include 25 Outstanding Scholarships and two Premier Scholarship in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Lucas Lee
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting
Scholarship: English, Geography, Economics
Ben Zhang
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship First in Subject: Physics
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Statistics, Calculus
Scholarship: English, Physical Education, Earth and Space Science, Biology, Media Studies
Audrey Jian
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology
Scholarship: English, Statistics, Chemistry, Calculus
Ray (Ying-Jui) Ma
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Statistics, Calculus
Scholarship: Physics
Zachary Wong
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
Scholarship: English, Physics, Statistics, Calculus, History
Eglantine Layec
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: French
Andrew Power
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Calculus
Julie (Hung Yee) Tan
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Geography
Richard Tang
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Calculus
Teresa Cayling Zhou
Outstanding Scholarship Subject: Statistics
Edward Liu
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Victor Sun
Outstanding Scholarship: Physical Education
Sunny (Yinjie) Wang
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
Ernest (Pui Hong) Wong
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
2015 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students have gained 164 Scholarships which include 7 Outstanding Scholarships and one Premier Scholarship in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Zhong Qian Huang
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Economics
David Jin Uk Kim
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology, Chemistry, Statistics
Scholarship: Physics, Calculus
Joseph Meltzer
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Statistics, Calculus
Scholarship: Physics
Henry Jiang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics, Statistics
Scholarship: Calculus
Saffron Shan Huang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Economics
Scholarship: English, Physics, Statistics, Calculus, History
Lucas In Gyu Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics
Scholarship: Statistics, Calculus, Economics
Daisy Huang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Scholarship: Biology, Physics, Statistics, Calculus, Geography
Wendy Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: Media Studies
Scholarship: English, Art History, Economics, History, Physical Education
2014 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 131 Scholarships which include 22 Outstanding Scholarships in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Christopher Busch
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics, Calculus
Alan Chen
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics, Statistics
Jenny Chiang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Vanessa Guo
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics, Calculus
Zhong Huang
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
Henry Jiang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Wendy Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: Economics
Victor Lian
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics, Calculus
Joseph Meltzer
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics, Calculus
Mu-Ming Pan
Outstanding Scholarship: Music
Edison Rho
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Shelly Tang
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
Janna Tay
Outstanding Scholarship: English, Classical Studies
Bronwyn Tilney
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Jim Wang
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Keniel Yao
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
2013 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students gained 120 Scholarships which include 16 Outstanding and two Premier Scholarships in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Frank Zhou
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Calculus, Statistics
Keniel Yao
Premier Scholarship
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Statistics, Biology
Sheldon Lin Ho Chean
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Brian Dunne
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology
Andrew Yuanru Jiang
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics
Su Young Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Cindy Xinyu Li
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology
Natcha Ngamtweerat
Outstanding Scholarship: Painting
Georgina Page
Outstanding Scholarship: Photography
Ian Min Gyu Seong
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus
Jiaxin Sun
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry
Samuel Yuke Yan
Outstanding Scholarship: Calculus
2012 Scholarship Success
Macleans College students have gained a total of 121 Scholarships of which 17 are Outstanding in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Two students have also been named as top in their specific subjects.
Yi Lin Huang
Top Subject Scholar: Chinese
Riki Fujii
Top Subject Scholar: Japanese
Joanna Wan Ka Chow
Outstanding Scholarship: Geography
Freya Dumasia
Outstanding Scholarship: Photography
Riki Fujii
Outstanding Scholarship: English, Japanese
Linus Goh
Outstanding Scholarship: Design
Timothy Gray
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
Yi Lin Huang
Outstanding Scholarship: Chinese, Physics, Mathematics with Calculus
Benjamin Kubiak
Outstanding Scholarship: Music Studies
Mingyu Seong
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Yo-Der Song
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Kerry Wynne
Outstanding Scholarship: Geography
Alexei Yachine
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
Feng Zhou
Outstanding Scholarship: Chemistry, Physics, Statistics and Modelling
2011 Scholarship Success
Students at Macleans College have gained 125 Scholarships which include 20 Outstanding Scholarships in the results from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority’s top academic examination.
Five students have also been named as top in their specific subjects.
In 2010 Macleans gained 106 scholarships and the increase this year is seen as a result of continuing hard work, belief and dedication by teachers and students.
Jessie Sun
Top Subject Scholar: Music
Outstanding Scholarship: Music Studies
Riki Fujii
Top Subject Scholar: Japanese
Outstanding Scholarship: Japanese
Ming Lu Roger Li
Top Subject Scholar: Chinese
Outstanding Scholarship: Chinese
Stephanie Kjestrup
Top Subject Scholar: Spanish
Outstanding Scholarship: Spanish
Ivan Pavlov
Top Subject Scholar: Physics
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics, Mathematics with Calculus
Tessa Ayson
Outstanding Scholarship: English
Yu Hang Benjamin Bai
Outstanding Scholarship: Biology, Mathematics with Calculus
Sofia Karpova
Outstanding Scholarship: Classical Studies
An Ran Chen
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Gengyu Andy Chen
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics, Statistics and Modelling
Yu-Cheng Richard Chou
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Raymond Lee
Outstanding Scholarship: Mathematics with Calculus
Min Sup Robert Shin
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Carina Webb
Outstanding Scholarship: Design
You Zhi Zhao
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Chong Jiat Loh
Outstanding Scholarship: Statistics and Modelling
Chenyi Carrol Jin
Outstanding Scholarship: Mathematics with Calculus
2010 Scholarship Success
Macleans College Scholarship students achieved 106 monetary awards in the National Scholarship Examinations – our best record yet!
Michael Wang has gained the Premier Scholarship. He gained Outstanding status in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus, Physics, and Scholarships in Science and Statistics and Modelling.
This is the seventh prestigious Premier Scholarship for the college and recipients receive $30,000 over three years of tertiary study. Very few Premier Scholarships are awarded in New Zealand.
Akash Arora
Outstanding Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics & Modelling, Physics, Calculus, Chemistry and Science
Jeremy Mathan
Outstanding Scholar Award Scholarship Subjects: Drama, Statistics & Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry and Science
Top Subject Scholar: Drama
Jessie Sun
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics &Modelling, English and Economics
Jason Leung
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics & Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry and Economics
Chen Xie
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics &Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, English and Economics
Chen Zhou
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics & Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry and Science
Daniel Yang
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics & Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry and Physics
Tony Zhai
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics & Modelling, Calculus, Chemistry and Physics
Andrew Chew
Triple Award Scholar Scholarship Subjects: Statistics &Modelling, Calculus and Chemistry
Yuchen Zuo
Top Subject Scholar Chinese
2009 Scholarship Success
Year 12 and 13 students in 2009 achieved 98 monetary awards in the National Scholarship Examinations.
These monetary awards included subject awards (85), Top in subject awards (3), three scholarship awards (6), Outstanding scholar awards (3) and one Premier award.
Joel Lawson (named our 2009 school Dux) gained the Prestigious Premier Scholarship. He was only one of eight in New Zealand to receive this top national award. This is the sixth Premier Award the college has received in the last five year’s history of this examination and it is the highest number for any school in New Zealand.
Daniel Chen
Scholarships in Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus, Science and Statistics & Modelling.
Joshua Kang
Outstanding Scholarship in Spanish.
Scholarships in Economics, English and History.
Joel Lawson
Outstanding Scholarships in Chemistry, Science and Statistics & Modelling. Scholarships in Mathematics with Calculus and Physics.
Goutham Sivasuthan
Scholarships in Mathematics with Calculus, Science and Statistics & Modelling.
Mindy Song
Scholarships in Accounting, Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus and Statistics & Modelling.
Charlie Wang
Scholarships in Economics, English and Statistics & Modelling.
Tim Wang
Outstanding Scholarship in Mathematics with Calculus.
Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics and Statistics & Modelling.
Ya-Ting Wang
Scholarships in Mathematics with Calculus, Physics and Statistics & Modelling.
Yang Wong
Outstanding Scholarships in Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus and Statistics & Modelling.
Scholarship in Physics.
Lily Wu
Scholarships in Chemistry, Science and Statistics & Modelling.
2008 Scholarship Success
In 2008 Macleans College students achieved 61 Scholarships which included 1 Outstanding Scholarship Award and 1 Top Subject Scholar Award in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
William Miao
Outstanding Scholarship: Physics
Scholarship: Chinese, Statistics and Modelling, Mathematics with Calculus, Chemistry.
David Taylor
Top Subject Scholar Award: Music Studies
2007 Scholarship Success
In 2007 Macleans College students achieved 41 Scholarships which included 1 Outstanding Scholarship Award in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Wing Hei Caleb Liu
Outstanding Scholarship
2006 Scholarship Success
In 2006 Macleans College students achieved 73 Scholarships which included three Outstanding Scholarships and two Premier Scholarships in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Himmy Lui
Outstanding Scholarship
Ojas Mehta
Outstanding Scholarship
Sung Min Chi
Outstanding Scholarship
Tina Gao
Premier Scholarship
Ronald Chan
Premier Scholarship
2005 Scholarship Success
In 2005 Macleans College students achieved 39 Scholarships which included three Premier Scholarships and two Outstanding in the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Scholarship Examination.
Caroline Di Jiang
Premier Scholarship
Adam Walker
Premier Scholarship
Tom Wang
Premier Scholarship
Lara Markstein
Outstanding Scholarship
Megan Anderson
Outstanding Scholarship